The most affordable & powerful alternative to Pendo

Is Pendo too expensive for you or are you tired of navigating around complex dashboards? Then Featurebase is the best Pendo alternative that you have been looking for.

"After testing multiple tools, Featurebase was the simplest, easiest, and most straightforward product feedback solution we found. We are using it for internal and external alignment. It has been super intuitive!"

- John, Product at

The Featurebase feedback portal showing already received user feedback.
Check out some existing feedback portals:Structured,CivitAI,Senja

Companies of all sizes Featurebase

Featurebase customer logo:
Featurebase customer logo:
Featurebase customer logo: Checkly.
Featurebase customer logo: Daybridge.
Featurebase customer logo: Tokun.
Featurebase customer logo: Usemotion.
Featurebase customer logo: Compass.
Featurebase customer logo: Fiberplane.
Featurebase customer logo: Screenstudio.

Unlike any feedback tool you've used

Carefully crafted to the last detail, so you can collect & manage feedback without any unnecessary complexities.

AI Suggestions

Eliminate Duplicate Feedback With AI detection

Our AI helps you effortlessly combine duplicate requests into a single thread.


An unmatched experience

A dashboard you'll enjoy using - manage feedback with ease

Designed for modern startups that don't want to deal with clunky or complex workflows and interfaces.


Modern & easy to use

Pendo can feel hard to navigate. Featurebase turns bland feedback forms into striving communities, where users can engage with each other and feel like their voice is heard.

The Featurebase feedback portal showing already received user feedback.

All Pendo's paid features for just $49/mo

Pendo's most popular plan starts at $1000/mo. Featurebase offers all the same features and an even better user experience for just $49/mo.

Available in 7+ languages

Fully translated in German, French, Spanish, Portuguese & many more languages

Custom domains

Serve your feedback portal from your own domain

User segmentation

Segment feedback by user attributes like plan, nr of employees, etc...

Auth with SSO & SDK

Automatically authenticate users with data from your own app

Private boards

Manage some internal ideas (boards) privately within your organization

Access to multiple integrations

Get access to integrations with Intercom, Jira, Linear, Discord, etc...

Post moderation

You will have to approve all posts before they are publically visible

Custom statuses

Create your own workflow with custom statuses

Plugs into your existing tools and workflows

Integrate with tools like Intercom, Linear, Slack & others to organize user feedback and its context in one place while seamlessly keeping your customers updated.

Loved by thousands of modern teams

Join thousands of teams that use Featurebase every day to collect, organize, and prioritize user feedback.

Import all your existing Pendo data in a few minutes

Migrating from Pendo to Featurebase is super simple, just upload a CSV file or reach out to us from the live chat!

Need more options?

We recently wrote a detailed article about the Best Pendo alternatives in 2024. If you are looking for more options, you can check out the other options from our recent blog post.